
Have you ever wondered what your Net Worth is? And if you are getting wealthier or poorer!

When you hear “net worth,” you probably think of oil tycoons and Wall Street bigwigs− those folks with more money than many third-world countries.

But tracking net worth shouldn’t be just for millionaires and billionaires… because it has nothing to do with excessive wealth. Rather, net worth is simply the difference between your assets and your liabilities.

To figure out your own net worth, you need to tally up all of the money that you have and the value of the things you own. This includes what’s in your checking, savings, retirement and investment accounts, as well as the market value of property that you own, including your home, your car, and even jewelry and collectibles.

Once you have these figures, and then subtract all of the money that you owe, such as credit card debt and what’s left to pay on your student loans, auto loans and mortgage. The remaining balance is your net worth. If you have more than you owe, you have a positive net worth. On the other hand, if you owe more money than you have available to you, you have a negative net worth.

Have you wanted to track your assets and liabilities over time without using a complicated accounting package that forces you to enter every in-flow or out-flow of money?

D2GO2 Net Worth app will help you stay informed on what assets you own, what liabilities you owe and what your financial net worth is today. This simple app lets you enter the current value of your assets and liabilities, including but not limited to…

• Cash and cash equivalents
• Investments and real estate
• Vehicles and other personal property
• 401K and retirement funds
• Loans and credit card balances
• Alimony and child support
• Mortgages and home equity loans
• Unpaid taxes and outstanding debt

You are able to visualize the respective contributions of different kinds of assets to the total assets you own, and how the net worth changes with addition of assets and liabilities. The app keeps a history of your net worth, so you can see and keep track of your financial progress over time.

If you’re a client, who wants to discuss or send information on assets and liabilities to a financial adviser, Net Worth is an easy to use app for you.

Benefits of D2GO2 App…

• Track your Net Worth over time
• Track the balances of multiple asset accounts and liability accounts as desired
• Choose your own currency symbol
• Data is safe and secure with password protection and SSL Certified encrypted
• Edit, email, or print financial Net Worth from anywhere, anytime, and on any device.

With D2GO2 apps, understanding and improving your financial Net Worth just got so much easier. Your net worth is a snapshot of your overall financial health. So the more you narrow the gap between positive and negative net worth, the more your vital signs are improving.

Cheers and We’ll see you soon.

Anant Goel

Producer CEO- RKNet Studios

We can talk about millions or billions in net worth, or whatever else turns you on, as a measure of being Rich.  The big question, really, is…Image

“Are you happy?”

Because if you are not happy, the millions and billions can’t and won’t make you happy!!!

Look at this way…

It’s the New Year 2014 and we all should count our blessings. Having a family or friends to love, a roof over our heads, food on the table, a half or quarter tank of gas, and clean clothes to dress our children with should be considered the “New Rich”.

If you have enough money to keep all of your bills paid, and are lucky enough to be healthy enough to never be in medical debt, and have a house over your head, with a comfortable lifestyle, then count yourself lucky! No matter how rich or how poor you may be there is always somebody out there worse off than you.

My thoughts are as long as you have your health, a roof over your head, food in your belly and a vehicle to drive you are very rich. About half of the people on this earth are living on under 1.25$ per day.  Most people who live in poverty in the United States have cars, telephones, Internet, cable television and plenty of food.

No matter how bad you think you have it, there are people out there in this world that would love to have your problems.

Bill Gates mother Mary died of cancer at a young age of 64 in 1994. All of Bills money couldn’t save her health. I’d make a bet to say that Mary would have traded all of her money just to have her health.

If you’ve got your health, a place to live, a car to drive, and food in your belly; you need to get down on your knees and thank the big man upstairs… or wherever else you think the Lord of your kingdom resides.

One more thing to remember…

Even when you have it, it is hard to keep it.  Almost everyone on this planet wants to separate you from your wealth… your self-serving advisers, rigged and crash prone stock markets, manipulative banks, and of course the government.

Living well to me isn’t about monster size flat-screen TVs, driving a BMW, or wearing diamond-encrusted watches. It’s so easy in America to be sucked into “stuff”… from the pressure to “keep up with the Jones” to the constant barrage of advertising from every angle.

But you can’t take stuff with you. I’ve never seen a hearse− the funeral coach− with luggage racks.  And if stuff is what you choose, just remember, you’ll be busy working for the rest of your life to pay for your stuff.

If you follow my definition of living well, then the goal becomes living life to the fullest instead of buying stuff… and saving instead of buying so you don’t have to worry about money so much.

People want to invest wisely so they don’t have to worry about money.  If you change your definition of living well, then you can get to the point of not worrying about money all the time… and start living by being happy.

Cheers and we’ll see you soon.

Anant Goel

Producer CEO – RKNet Studios


“Amazon is destroying the American book industry.”

Facebook is making us dumb and Twitter is making us dumber.

Here’s how…

“Who knows what percentage of their time would have been spent reading books,” we ask the cosmos, “if they weren’t fooling around with Facebook all the time?”

They, of course, are Gen Xs, Ys and Zs… but they are baby boomers, too. We’re obsessed, all of us, with reading short bits of text. There are tweens [kids ages 10 to 12] out there today who think of themselves as people who read a lot… when what they read a lot of, are status updates and BuzzFeed lists.

It’s too late for bookstores to turn around into a profitable business again, whether it’s got thousands of Facebook friends or not. From where we stand, there’s only so much one small bookstore owner, with the help of a small handful of staffers and volunteers, can do to turn the tides of a culture that doesn’t even seem to want to sit down and read books the way it used to. With so many digital options like Kindles, tablets, blogs-memes, reality TV, Tumblrs, Facebook, and Tweets… the simple act of reading a book that you hold in your hands is seriously endangered.

All of these technological advances that seem so commonplace have barely been in our lives for a decade now. And we’ve all had the uneasy feeling on occasion, reading what our loved ones have to say on Facebook, that the nature of social-media conversation is making us dumber by the minute. I don’t think it’s even open for debate: “You cannot develop an argument in a Facebook post… it’s just impossible. And if people don’t exercise that faculty of having a proposition and presenting evidence, if people aren’t used to thinking that way, or seeing it done in books… there’s a serious intellectual decline in front of us.”

So often, we see shoppers stroll through a bookstore like Barns & Noble looking for a specific author and a title, ask if the store has it in stock… and if it’s not there, they’re not interested in having the store order it for them. Not when they can walk right back-out and order it on Amazon. It’s a scenario I see play out several times a week. It’s not that bookstores can’t get them the book in a few days, and it’s not that Barns & Nobel doesn’t have an easy-to-remember web store of its own. It’s simply that, with Amazon so ubiquitous, would-be customers don’t bat an eye at the idea that they can get whatever they want, as cheap as they want, without having to give up any convenience at all.

“Oh, I’ll go on-line”, they say… but we know they’re going to Amazon and not to Barns & Noble website. They won’t take the time to compare.  Amazon isn’t just Barns and Noble’s nemesis… it’s ruining all kinds of people with all the little bookstores. They undersell everybody, basically losing money until there’s no competition.

Amazon just posted a healthy $17.09 billion in net sales during its third quarter, a 24 percent jump compared with the same period a year ago. But the company lost 9¢ per share. This is what amounts for good news to Amazon shareholders: Analysts had predicted sales of $16.77 billion and accurately predicted that 9¢ loss.

That’s a shame. Because brick-and-mortar bookstores meet other needs, beyond simply selling books, that customers won’t be able to get once Amazon is their only remaining choice.

What’s painful for any indie bookstore owner to admit, of course, is that Amazon can pretty much always give the book buyer a better deal. “There’s no question about it,” store owners will tell you. “If you come into our bookstore looking at a book that’s $25, but Amazon’s selling it for $20 for new or $10 for used.”

“There are people, who are willing and eager to pay the extra few dollars for personal service from a proprietor they know-but they’re just too few and far between.”

Here’s my take on this problem…

Little problem: “Amazon is destroying the American book industry.”

Big Problem: “Facebook is making us dumb and Twitter is making us dumber.”

Cheers and We’ll see you soon.

Anant Goel

Producer CEO – RKNet Studios


Passwords are literally the keys to your online world.D2GO2 Logo

In spite of advances in biometrics, and increased attention to the value of two-step authentication, passwords remain the primary means of digital security. They’re also one of the weakest links in the security chain. If we can’t get rid of passwords, we need a better way to manage them.

Remember when Bill Gates told an audience, “There is no doubts that over time, people are going to rely less and less on passwords.” That was in early 2004 and nearly a decade later we still rely heavily on passwords.

It’s tough to keep track of all of your passwords.  People use the same password on different systems and write them down to make a list.  That just doesn’t really meet the challenge for anything you really want to secure.

For many years, I recycled the same password across virtually every account as well.  However, the Websites that I use forced me to change the habit… because their password policies are so different from one to the next that it became very difficult to even find a password that meets all the requirements.

In a perfect world, we would store complex passwords in our brains for all the Websites we use.

But, we are human and definitely not perfect.  That’s why I’ve been looking for a good way to store the growing list of increasingly complex passwords.

In my quest, I consulted a few security experts and turned to Google search for helpful suggestions.  My research turned up several options for each of the three-levels of sophistication:

LEVEL 1: Low-tech

Write it down and make a list. It’s actually not all that bad a strategy at home, if there aren’t too many people poking around there and you tuck it away somewhere you can remember. But this is a bad idea at the office, where any number of people could see your list. Some people keep their passwords on a card in their wallet, which might work well, at least, until the day your wallet is lost or stolen.

LEVEL 2: Medium-tech

When you’re at a Website, and your memory fails, use the website features for resetting your password.  You can do this endlessly and it’s free, and it has the side benefit of causing you to change your passwords often, which is highly recommended by security experts.

LEVEL 3: High-tech

You can use one of the many digital tools available for storing and using encrypted login information. These premium paid services they will allow you to use mind-bending passwords on every site… while only having to remember one master password (or use a fingerprint or other biometric).  Many of these tools also generate hyper-strong passwords for you with a click, so you no longer have to bend your mind trying to come up with them.

These premium paid services are not cheap and could be overkill for an average professional or working soccer mom.

D2GO2 Password Vault

D2GO2 Password Vault is simply a secure place to create and save your passwords when you need them… from anywhere, anytime, and on any device.  It is easy to use; and passwords are saved under your D2GO2 Profile page and secured by two- step authentication and SSL Certified encrypted.

One last piece of advice…

Best practice security suggests that you should create a strong password and use different passwords for different sites. Just as you don’t use the same key for your front door, car, and safety deposit box.

You don’t want to have the same password “unlock” all of your information.

Cheers and We’ll see you soon.


Anant Goel

Producer CEO – RKNet Studios


Neuroscientists will tell you, and I’m one of them, that more has been learned about the human brain in the past decade than in all of human history combined.

Manage Work and Personal Life

Manage Work and Personal Life

It should not come as a surprise to see all the new information published about the brain and how it is converging with the efforts of marketers to more effectively communicate with consumers.  Putting it bluntly, with so much more knowledge about the brain, marketers have been busy figuring out ways to fool the consumer into buying products and services they may or may not need.

Ponder this fact for a moment: the human brain hasn’t changed for more than 100,000 years. Yet its exposure to information — especially image and video-based communication — is growing at an unprecedented rate.  Research is actually able to quantify how all this multi-platform messaging is affecting subconscious responses in the brain.  One of their observations is the effect on “filtering.”

It is the process of filtering, where the prefrontal cortex of the brain continuously coordinates and prioritizes incoming stimuli and information, deciding what is essential and what can be ignored or “filed away” for later.  More stimuli and information requires more filtering.

Our multi-processing instincts in the multi-device world have caused the brain to kick into overdrive, making prioritization more important than ever.

Marketers have been busy burning the mid-night oil, as the grand Ma saying goes, to get through this “filtering” of the consumer(s) brain that screens megabytes of data every millisecond?

Well, the marketers have finally figured out how to use the neurological best practices on you; to quickly grab the attention of online audiences’ collective subconscious. And it’s all legal.

This is how it’s done in five easy ways…

1)     Use of Action Words

The brain’s filtering process seems to afford greater significance to action-oriented words. Passive words are ignorable, but action words convey emotion and appeal to the reader’s senses. Marketers use words like discover, explore, download, find and compare more than the milder words like submit or read. But don’t limit yourself to just verbs; words like free and easy, can also be very powerful attention-grabbers.

2)     Stimulate with Puzzles

The brain is attracted to solving visual puzzles. There is actually a feedback mechanism in the brain that rewards the acquisition of knowledge, which essentially makes us humans addicted to gaining new knowledge.  It’s that little burst of excitement you get by quickly solving a brain teaser. Marketers will use simple puzzles into their online messaging as a way to quickly grab your attention.

3)     Recognize Gender Differences

The brains of men and women are 99% the same, but that last 1% is critical for marketers.

The frontal lobe, which is responsible for problem solving, is bigger in women than in men. When marketing to women, they leverage this insight by posing a question in their advertising message — something that will interest the female audience through mystery, intrigue or fascination.  Even questions with a yes/no answer can capture the attention of a female audience… but it is quickly followed up with an answer that compels them to read further, such as “Find out why” or “Get the facts.”

The amygdala, which regulates the “fight or flight” response, is larger in men than in women. Emotions make men pay attention right now− this is urgent− and gives them an immediate action plan without having to think twice. When marketing to men, they would use urgency and be direct.  Statements like: “This deal ends Friday at midnight,” gets male attention better and motivates a response.

4)     Simplify The Message

When it comes to online marketing, and especially social media marketing, more is definitely not better. Marketing messages are made simple so that they are easy for the brain to receive and ignore.  If it is way too complicated (or uninteresting) most people will not stop to see, listen or read.

5)      Attract with Novelty

The brain is hardwired to appreciate and seek out novelty.  In fact, there’s an entire region of the mid-brain that responds to novel stimuli. Novelty influences interest, surprise, attraction and even motivation.  Marketers will disguise their messaging with unexpected colors, unusual words or unique images to draw attention.  However, marketers are advised to use this tool wisely, as the brain also seeks familiarity.

One final advice to marketers…

If you use a wacky photo in Facebook ad to grab attention, be consistent with what customers might expect from your brand — or what they see on rest of the page —  because, attention may quickly turn to confusion; complicating your messaging and turning visitors away.

All the new research coming out of neuroscience, coupled with the rapidly evolving ways people are consuming information, is giving marketers a lot of tools to fool us in to buying products and services we may not need.

You’ve been warned… be aware.

The human brain may not have changed much in 100,000 years, but the world we live-in has. Big corporations, big marketing budgets, big Pharma, big governments have changed our lives dramatically over the last 40 years.

We are now diabetic, obese, sicker, stressed out and fearful of everything in life, click button junkie, and going broke enjoying sedentary life style.

Cheers and we’ll see you soon.

Anant Goel

Producer CEO – RKNet Studios

Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno attends the New Jersey Business Incubation Network (NJBIN) Award Reception at Rutgers EcoComplex in Bordentown, NJ.

Mail is the largest source of paper clutter in your home and the most time consuming to sort.

Manage Work and Personal Life

Manage Work and Personal Life

Managing mail is a daunting task because you can’t just visually organize mail, you’ve got to read and touch every paper in order to file or discard.

Try these five steps…


Designate Something as Your Home Mail Box

It can be a basket or a storage box… anything big enough to hold a week’s mail and no more. Locate it in a place that’s convenient, but not so out of the way that it’s out of sight and mind.


Reduce the Amount of Mail that Comes into Your Home

Over 80% of the mail you receive daily is junk mail… as more and more companies still try to reach us by snail mail in the age of Internet, smartphones, emails, and banner ads everywhere.

Try these tips to stop junk mail:

  • Always Uncheck the Mailing List Box: Next time you sign up for something; make sure you specify what you’re signing up to receive. Uncheck any boxes for subscriptions you do not want to receive.
  • Don’t Enter Yourself into Contests: Signing up for a contest says to the company: “I want to hear from you in the future.”
  • Call 1-888-5 OPT OUT and have your name removed from the credit agencies’ lists.
  • Call Catalog Companies: Set aside some time each month to call and ask them to take you off their mailing list.
  • Cancel Subscriptions: to magazines you don’t need. Donate old magazines to charitable organizations or your local library or hospital.

Cutting down on junk mail you receive will cut the amount of time you spend managing mail… and you may even help save the planet.


Schedule Time to Organize and Manage Mail

Most people sort through mail while walking in the door after work or heading to the kitchen to see what’s for dinner. Resist the urge to manage mail until you have the time and attention to give to this task.

Never touch a piece of paper more than once if you don’t have too. This is what makes paper management so exhausting… if you have to read it each time!


Have the Right Tools and a System for Incoming Mail

Nothing fancy, but have the following at hand:

  • Shredder – Shred all pieces of mail that have any identifying information on it beyond your name… such as social security numbers, birth date, and credit card offers. Shred immediately and recycle.
  • Recycling Bin− Most mail can be recycled immediately (catalogs, coupons, fliers, announcements). Treat your wastebasket like babies: Keep them close at all times and feed and change them often.
  • Action In-Box: This is the mail you need to act on right away… and it can be separated into further categories like Reference, Respond, Action, and Pay Bills.


Organize and Act on What’s Important in Life

Sort through your Action In-Box on a regular basis and purge its contents to the system you create. Allot a few minutes each day or an hour once a week, whatever works for you… just make it a habit.

  • Organize Magazines and Catalogs: Separate these bulky items from your mail right away. Put them in a designated basket or magazine rack so you can carry them easily from room to room for your reading pleasure… and then to the recycling bin when you’re done.
  • File Reference Items: Create a folder or a binder to save recipes, magazine articles, and catalog pages with perfect gifts or your wish-list items. Just be sure to get the 800 number or website address.
  • File Records and Documents: A file cabinet is ideal, but a cardboard file box will do, as long as there’s a workable file structure inside it. Organize files by broad subjects… and if your life’s less complicated, filing everything alphabetically may do nicely. Write up labels and alphabetize for quick retrieval. Use D2GO2 App to manage your Records and have easy access from anywhere, anytime, and on any device.
  • Streamline Bill-Paying: Many banks let you set up bill-paying plans and receive statements online. Some utilities and service companies offer online and automated-payment options that either deduct money straight from your checking account or automatically charge your balance to a chosen credit card every month. Make sure to review your statements to keep your checkbook balanced, but you’ll be free of the physical check writing and stamp licking, as well as those late fees. Use D2GO2 App to manage your Budget and Pay Bills from anywhere, anytime, and on any device.

Managing mail is a daunting task… but it doesn’t have to be. Never touch a piece of paper more than once if you don’t have to… and that’s the secret of organized and successful people.

Cheers and we’ll see you soon.

Anant Goel

Producer CEO – RKNet Studios

Middletown, New Jersey, November 23, 2013

Each year over 450,000 Americans are rushed to hospitals unconscious and without ID. Up to 98,000 die each year from preventable medical errors. The lack of immediate access to patient’s healthcare information is the primary cause of these errors.

Manage Work and Personal Life

Manage Work and Personal Life

Don’t become a victim of an error…

… get started today with your own Personal Health Record.

Take the guess work out of being unknown John Doe in an emergency!

D2GO2 helps you to securely gather, store, manage and share your own and your family’s health information… when you want, where you want, and with whom you choose.

I know what you are thinking…

What is a Personal Health Record?

Medical records and your Personal Health Record (PHR) is not the same thing. Medical records contain information about your health compiled and maintained by your healthcare providers. A PHR, short name for Personal Health Record, is information about your health compiled and maintained by you. And the difference is in how you use your PHR to improve the quality of your healthcare.

PHR is a tool to collect, track and share past and current information about your health or the health of someone in your care. This information can save your life, and money and inconvenience of repeating routine medical tests. Even when routine procedures do need to be repeated, your PHR can give healthcare providers more insight into your personal health history.

Remember, you are ultimately responsible for making decisions about your health. A PHR can help you accomplish that. It’s ironic how people keep better car maintenance records than their own Personal Health Record.

Look at this way…

… In an emergency, the medical response team needs to act quickly to assess your medical condition. Having specific knowledge of your medications, allergies, medical conditions and history are critical for a successful outcome of the treatment.

Emergency Medical Responders are trained to look for identifying jewelry or other items that may help them beware of your medical condition. The medical information you carry will assist them to more quickly and more accurately assess your condition, especially if you are unable to communicate.

In an emergency, medical personnel unfamiliar to you are more likely to treat you than your personal physician. Unfortunately, emergency responders do not possess the intimate details about your health history like your physician. Carrying a Personal Health Record on you allows immediate access to your current medical conditions should you become incapacitated or unable to communicate for yourself.

Information that should be maintained includes:

  • Personal information
  • Current medications
  • Allergies to food, drugs, insects or other allergic reactions
  • Existing medical conditions
  • Surgeries and implants
  • Immunization information
  • Your blood type and latest chemistry, if available
  • Emergency contacts
  • Health insurance provider/coverage plan

Important points about Personal Health Record:

  1. Have access to your complete health information.
  2. Information should be accurate, reliable, and complete.
  3. Have control over how your information is accessed, used, and disclosed.

One final reminder…

Remember, your Personal Health Record does not replace the legal medical record of any healthcare provider.

And at least once a month, go through your Personal Health Record and update the information.  Having a Personal Health Record provides immediate access to your current medical information in any medical emergency that may arise.

Your Personal Health Record can save a life… and that life could be yours.

Cheers and we’ll see you soon.

Anant  Goel

Producer CEO – RKNet Studios

While natural disasters cannot be prevented, their effect on personal lives can be minimized by taking action to organize and save your important records in a safe place.

Personal Productivity Apps

Personal Productivity Apps

Also at the end of tax season, people wonder which personal and financial records they need to save and for what purpose. Some of us like to save everything forever. Others can’t wait to discard paper right away.

So what’s the best way to decide whether to save or discard a record? Here are a few tips and resources to help you decide what to keep… and for how long.

D2GO2 Records Management App…

D2GO2 helps you organize and store all your important records in one safe and secure place… and makes it available to you anytime, anyplace, and from any web or mobile device. You can scan or capture document images with your scanner, tablet or smartphone, and upload to your own personal cloud for easy access to view, print, and forward.

D2GO2 also includes 40 easy-to-use forms to record the whereabouts of critical legal, financial, and personal records.

Personal Records Retention Guidelines…

Tax Returns: Keep your tax records for seven years. IRS has 3 years to audit you from the date you filed your taxes and it is up to you to have all of the backup information that went into your returns.

Bank Statements: If you want to apply for a mortgage, keep a three-month history. Otherwise, the bank has all the records you’ll ever need.

ATM Receipts: Keep these until you balance your bank statement and then shred them.

Credit Card Statements: Keep three months on hand.

Medical Insurance: This includes premium statements, doctor bills, prescriptions, hospital bills, etc. Keep these for five years from the date of service rendered.

Home Insurance: The minimum suggested is five years. However, if you think that you may have any issues in the future, save them for ten years.

Pay Stubs: Since each paycheck contains the history for all the past stubs, you only need to save the latest pay stub. If you are planning to get a new mortgage, save the last few months of pay stubs.

Investment Documents: If you have 401K or other investments you are inundated with prospectus, privacy notices, address confirmations, and on and on. Don’t keep any of these unless you plan to act on them. You should retain three months of balance statement, and anytime you purchase new investments you should retain that until you sell the investment and complete your taxes for the year.

Home Repairs: These should be kept for ten years in case you need to prove something with regard to guarantees of workmanship. If you are doing home renovations, make sure you get the satisfaction of lien from the contractors doing the work. Keep that document as long as you own the property.

Utility Bills: If you are writing off your utility bills, you may need to keep them as tax records. Otherwise, only keep the last three months.

Mortgage Documents: Keep the loan information for the duration of the mortgage. After you’ve paid off the mortgage, the bank is obligated to record a satisfaction of mortgage. You should keep this document as long as you own the home.

Warranty Documents: Anytime you get rid of an appliance or software that had warranty documentation, you can shred the warranties at the same time.

Personal Records: These records should be kept indefinitely and in a safe deposit box…

  • Birth certificates [If you have lost any birth certificates, apply for replacements before there is a pressing need]
  • Marriage certificates
  • Divorce and adoption papers
  • Citizenship records
  • Military service papers.

Ownership Records: Any paper that serves as proof of ownership should be saved until the asset is sold. This would include such papers as deeds for real estate, mortgage papers, automobile titles, bonds, and stock certificates.

One final suggestion…

At least once a year, you should go through your files and shred everything that is no longer needed.

After determining what personal papers you wish to discard, be sure to shred all that contain personal information. Always use a cross-cut or confetti shredder.

Cheers and we’ll see you soon.

Anant Goel

Producer CEO – RKNet Studios


For the past 30 years, enterprise communications have been built around the personal computer. During this time, the personal computer became central to our professional, and eventually, our personal lives.

For the past two decades, the consumer has led the adoption of new technologies. This consumer revolution – where social networks, mobile devices and explosive use of visual content – is redefining the way people communicate in their personal lives as well as at work.

Today, the consumer rules and decides how they consume, how they want to be served, how much and when they are going to pay and what they get in return. With new habits and desires, the consumer has created a new landscape. Consumer demands push enterprises, public and private, to rethink the way they serve them and the enterprises’ own employees.

The Consumer Revolution

Gartner, a leading industry analyst group, calls the four major dimensions of consumer revolution the “Nexus of Forces”, which is comprised of mobility, social networks, the cloud, and information. One major consequence of this consumer revolution is…

  • Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend. It is an extension of the Personal Cloud, where everything is available at anytime, from anywhere, on any device.

BYOD illustrates the importance of how the consumer is changing (or about to change), the way organizations operate. More and more employees are bringing their personal devices within the enterprise space and use them to perform professional (and personal) tasks. In most cases those devices are smart phones and tablets.

BYOD is not a consumer revolution… it is an evolution, and the evolution is not over yet.  The next stage of this consumer evolution is enhanced productivity… which means, managing work and personal life more efficiently. With two pieces of the puzzle already in place at work− your personal mobile device and the personal cloud, it is only natural to think about ways to make the consumer (the employee) more productive at work and in personal life.

Whether you’re working 40 hours a week, carting the kids to and from after-school activities, grocery shopping, or paying the bills, you know what it feels like to run out of time for yourself.  After all, 24 hours just isn’t cutting it anymore─ we need more time in the day.

D2GO2 is your answer…

D2GO2 is a suite of 7 personal productivity Apps for synchronized management of personal information, personal resources, planning and budgeting of finances, and ‘on the go’ management of information; knowledge; time; and tasks… to fulfill our role as friend, family, parent, and employee.

D2GO2 helps you to organize and save your personal data, records, and contacts information in a safe and secure place… and makes it available to you anytime, anyplace, and from any web or mobile device. It helps you develop and manage your monthly finances and budget, your shopping list, and a daily list of things to do… with reminders and alerts.

D2GO2 will be your on-demand personal assistant and provide links to searches, useful information, your bookmarks with description, and fast access to social networks. You can give the family members limited access, so they can post messages, update shopping list and add to things to do list… with reminders and alerts.

All data on D2GO2 website is secured, password protected, and SSL certified encrypted. D2GO2 uses 256-bit SSL security, the same as most major U.S. banks. Your data is stored in dedicated servers and housed in protected facilities with security guards and biometric scanning.

If your laptop ever dies, or your smartphone is lost, your data is still safe and sound at

The biggest challenge for every head of household [and soccer mom] is to arrange their day in a way that all their duties related to work, household and kids are in balance. It is so easy to let yourself get carried away by work process or playing with children and forget about other important daily tasks.

To avoid this common problem you need to follow a time management system and also work with set of tools and tricks to increase personal productivity.  D2GO2 apps are the time management and personal productivity tools that will help you organize and manage your daily work and personal life.

D2GO2 Offers…

  • Your own personal cloud with unlimited capacity to save important and essential data, records, and information… for safe, secure, SSL certified encrypted and password protected access at anytime, from anyplace, and from any device. All data is synchronized across multiple platforms.
  • Four layers of access control and protection… personal ID, Password, PIN, and SSL encrypted

D2GO2 will help you discover new ways to be more productive and put more time back in your day, giving you more opportunities to relax, make time for your friends and family and enjoy the little things in life.

Anant Goel

Producer CEO – RKNet Studios

Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno attends the New Jersey Business Incubation Network (NJBIN) Award Reception at Rutgers EcoComplex in Bordentown, NJ.

D2Go2 is a suite of seven productivity apps for synchronized management of personal information, resources, records, planning and budgeting of finances, and ‘on the go’ management of data, knowledge, time and tasks… to fulfill our role as friend, family, parent, and employee.

D2GO2 Logo

Middletown, New Jersey (PRWeb), November 1, 2013

Anant Goel, CEO at RKNet stated:  “D2GO2 helps to organize and save personal data, records, and contact information in a safe and secure place… and makes it available anytime, anyplace, and from any web or mobile device. It also helps to develop and manage monthly finances and budget, shopping list, and a daily list of things-to-do.”

Goel stated: “D2GO2 is a family of personal productivity apps designed to help you have a good day, every day.  Whether you’re working 40 hours a week, carting the kids to and from after-school activities, grocery shopping, school supply shopping or paying the bills, you know what it feels like to run out of time for yourself. After all, 24 hours just isn’t cutting it anymore─ we need more time in the day.”

D2GO2 will help discover new ways to be more productive and put more time back in your day, giving you more opportunities to relax and make time for your friends and family.

D2GO2 is a suite of seven productivity apps for synchronized management of…

  • Personal Information… for access by you or your trustee in case of emergency… protected by 4 layers of security
  • Medical Emergency information and Living Will for access by your trustee
  • Family Tree… photos of immediate family or the whole clan
  • Data Store… safe and secure from loss or harm, saved in your own personal cloud
  • Contacts with pictures… organize, search, and communicate (Skype and e-mail)
  • Records… organize, snap, store, view, print, and forward
  • Shoebox… records for year-end tax filing support
  • My Journal… create daily, save, search, and print
  • Budget… plan, budget, manage household finances, bill pay, save and analyze up to 5 years
  • Shopping List… create, share, print, alert, save recipes, and access by family members
  • Things To Do… plan, set priorities, notify, print, alerts, and access by family members
  • Personal Assistant… searches, useful information, bookmarks with description, and fast access to your social networks
  • Safe and Secure… protected by 4 layers of security and SSL Certified Encrypted
  • Mobility… access from anywhere, anytime, and from any web or mobile device.

D2GO2 will help organize and manage your daily work and personal life…

Sign-up and use D2GO2 app for Free 10 Day Trial, and give a like on Facebook to tell us what you think.

Free your mind, be more productive, and make some time to enjoy life with friends and family.

Sign-up for Free 10 Day Trial:

About RKNet Studios:

Founded in 2011, RKNet Studio develops digital media content, personal productivity apps, and cognitive skills development games for global audiences. Created by NJBIN award winning team; D2GO2 apps are for time management and personal productivity. The developers bring over 45 years of experience in technology, applied cognitive psychology, communications, finance, business, and operating systems for critical Nuclear Power Control Room environments.

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